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Available packs on Moulinette

Heroic Swells steeped in conflict with the Beyond. Frontier Ballads tinged with fey fancy. Conflicting Canticles, dark and driven, that break to bolster Wavering Will. Care to take a sample?
Some files available in this pack :
- Against The Void Event Horizon
- Against The Void Singularity
- Old Magics Sanctuary At Forest's Rain
- Old Magics Snowstample
- Old Magics Snowstample Blizzard Loop
Scene / Map

When horrors from the Beyond invade the keeps and fields of your fantasy world, you'll need more than earthly instruments to score the conflict. This album rides the clash of SciFi and Fantasy; where paladins of Light are engulfed by the Dark Star.
Some files available in this pack :
- Against The Void
- Against The Void Claw And Steel
- Against The Void Dawnlight
- Against The Void Event Horizon
- Against The Void Karman Line Battle