D&Demetrius' Cartography

Discover all packs from D&Demetrius' Cartography : creating highly-detailed digital maps for TTRPGs

Available packs on Moulinette

Some files available in this pack :
  • The Abandoned Keep Day Gridded [30x40] Opt
  • The Abandoned Keep Day Gridless Opt (2)
  • The Abandoned Keep Day Gridless Opt
  • The Abandoned Keep Eldritch Obelisks Gridded [30x40] Opt
  • The Abandoned Keep Eldritch Obelisks Opt (2)

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Altar Overview Defiled By Orcs Gridless
  • Overview Defiled By Orcs Gridded [20x15]
  • Altar Overview Night Gridded [15x20]
  • Altar Overview Night Gridless
  • Altar Overview Gridded [15x20]

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Devil's Throne Room Gridded [30x40]
  • Devil's Throne Room Gridless

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Black Pyramid Exterior Night Gridded [40x40]
  • Black Pyramid Exterior Night Gridless
  • Black Pyramid Outside Day Gridded [40x40]
  • Black Pyramid Outside Day Gridless
  • Black Pyramid First Floor Trapless Gridless Day

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Blood Elven Mannor First Floor Gridded [63x48] Opt
  • Blood Elven Mannor First Floor Gridless Opt
  • Blood Elven Mannor Second Floor Gridless Opt
  • Blood Elves Mannor Commission 2nd Floor Gridded [63x48] Opt

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Minauros Blood Swamp Gridded [50x30]
  • Minauros Blood Swamp Gridless
  • Bog In Minauros Gridded [50x30]
  • Bog In Minauros Gridless
  • Bog In Minauros Fog Gridded [50x30]

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Busy Port Day Gridded [75x51] Opt
  • Busy Port Day Gridless Opt
  • Busy Port Haunted Gridded [75x51] Opt
  • Busy Port Haunted Gridless Opt
  • Busy Port Night Gridded [75x51] Opt

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • The Cackling Imp Cellar Gridded [30x23]
  • The Cackling Imp Cellar Gridless
  • The Cackling Imp Gridded [34x43]
  • The Cackling Imp Gridless
  • The Cackling Imp Roof Gridless

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Caravan Rest Day
  • Caravan Rest Day Gridded 40x50
  • Caravan Rest Desert Gridded 40x50
  • Caravan Rest Desert
  • Caravan Rest Fey Gridded 40x50

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Castle, Before Siege Gridless
  • Castle, Before Siege Gridded [65x69]
  • Castle, Ruins Gridded [65x69]
  • Castle, Ruins Gridless
  • Castle Ruins

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Cave Respite Battlefield Variant Gridded [30x24]
  • Cave Respite Battlefield Variant Gridless
  • Cave Respite Gridless Night
  • Cave Respite Night Gridded [30x23]
  • Cave Respite Snow Storm Gridded [30x23]

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Christmas Dungeon Empty
  • Christmas Dungeon Frozen Cavern
  • Christmas Dungeon Day 8k
  • Christmas Dungeon Night
  • Christmas Dungeon Only Lights

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Christmas Market Attack! Gridded [30x40] Opt
  • Christmas Market Attack! Gridless Opt
  • Christmas Market Gridded [30x40] Opt
  • Christmas Market Gridless Opt

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Blood Tree 8k
  • Blood Tree Gridded [30x30]
  • Blood Tree Gridless
  • Bridge Of Souls 8k
  • Bridge Of Souls Gridded [50x30]

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • A Bog In Minauros Blood Swamp
  • A Bog In Minauros Day
  • A Bog In Minauros Fire Swamp
  • A Bog In Minauros Heavy Fog
  • A Bog In Minauros Night

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Amethyst Dragon Lair
  • Blood Elven Manor
  • Blue Dragon Lair
  • Busy Port Day
  • Busy Port Haunted

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Amphitheatre Corrupting Mists 8k
  • Amphitheatre Day 8k
  • Amphitheatre Island 8k
  • Amphitheatre Massacre 8k
  • Amphitheatre Night 8k

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Dragon Lair Amethyst Dragon Gridded [60x39]
  • Dragon Lair Amethyst Dragon Opt
  • Dragon Lair Blue Dragon Gridded [60x39] Opt
  • Dragon Lair Blue Dragon Gridless Opt
  • Dragon Lair Emerald Draon Gridded [60x39] Opt

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Hellish Wagon Background Opt
  • Hellish Wagon
  • Orcish Wagon Background Opt
  • Orcish Wagon
  • Orcish Wagon (1)

Scene / Map

Some files available in this pack :
  • Fey Dungeon Gridded [50x50]
  • Fey Dungeon Gridless
  • Fey Dungeon Gridded [50x50]
  • Fey Dungeon Gridless

Scene / Map